
The scholarship program is intended to bachelors, Masters, Ph.D., and postdoctoral research fellows.

Research scholarship

The objective of this award is to promote training research and collaboration with industry. All students will spend at least 20% of their time as interns in the installations of our industrial partners where they will directly apply their research to questions pertinent for the mining industry.

General rules

  1. Has to be enrolled in one of the participating universities: University of Montréal, INRS, Queen's University, McMaster University, Laurentian University, University of Ottawa or McGill University.
  2. NSERC CREATE Mine of Knowledge program assumes that an undergraduate, master and doctorate student receive respectively a scholarship of $6,000, $16,000 and $20,000 per year. Postdoctoral fellows receive $40,000 per year. This amount may vary slightly depending on the university or the institute. According to these criteria, the amounts of scholarships will come partly (50%) of the NSERC CREATE Mine of Knowledge program and will be complemented by the funds of the supervisor. The scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis.
  3. Undergraduate students hold the fellowship for a year, masters two years, doctorate four years and postdoctoral fellows for two years.
  4. The admission committee could occasionally accept excellent projects and candidates with lesser amounts of matching funds.
  5. In the case where a master or doctorate candidate a non-standard governmental grant, the program NSERC CREATE Mine of Knowledge contribute to 50%. The complement of the scholarship is supported by the research director.
  6. In the case where a master or doctorate candidate holds a standard governmental grant (e.g., NSERC, FQRNT) a contribution of $5,000 will be granted. This contribution is $7,600 for a doctorate holding an OGS.

Table of scholarship calculation 2014-2015
Level Contribution from the program
Mine of Knowledge a
Contributed by the supervisor Total
Bachelor $3,000 $3,000 $6,000
Master $8,000 $8,000 $16,000
Master rule 5 $8,000 Up to $8,000 $16,000
Master rule 6 $5,000 0 Up to $22,500
Doctorate $10,000 $10,000 $20,000
Doctorate rule 5 $10,000 Up to $10,000 $20,000
Doctorate rule 6 $5,000 or $7,600 0 Up to $26,600
Postdoctorate $20,000 $20,000 $40,000

Available projects

Marc Amyot

  • Phytoremediation of contaminated sites.
  • Mobility and bioaccumulation of metals in the changing North.
  • Trophic transfer of rare earth elements.
  • Photochemistry of metals in water and snow.

Claude Fortin

  • Bioavailability, toxicity and intracellular fate of lanthanides in a green alga
  • Links between speciation and bioaccumulation of thorium in phytoplankton
  • Development of a method for in situ determination of the free metal ion
  • Role of trace elements in the modulation of bioaccumulation and detoxification of copper
  • Detoxification mechanisms of metals in green algae
  • Periphyton as a bioindicator of exposure to metals in natural environment
  • Bioavailability of metals in the periphyton in a northern environment

Kevin Wilkinson

  • Mobility and bioaccumulation of data for rare earth elements.
  • Bioavailability, toxicity and modeling of data for rare earth elements, (BIOMET).
  • Sustainable development of the mining industry in Quebec: evaluation of risk for emerging metals.

Application process

Who should apply?

Undergraduates, graduates and postdoctoral fellows interested in pursuing research in biology and chemistry departments in the affiliated universities. We are looking for highly motivated students which are interested in getting training in analytical and environmental chemistry, mine waste mineralogy, biogeochemistry, ecotoxicology, environmental genomics and molecular microbiology. Part of the training will be done in industry with our affiliated industrial collaborators.

What to do first?

Browse this website for research areas and projects that may be of interest to you and contact the associated supervisor. Once you have decided on the project begin the application process. For more information contact Justine Lacombe-Bergeron at justine.lacombe.bergeron@umontreal.ca.

How to apply?

Summary of application package:

  • University official transcripts
  • CV
  • A letter of motivation outlining how you will benefit from this program and how you envision the development of sustainable mining in the future
  • One page project description indicating the name of the supervisor and cosupervisor (if applicable)
  • Letter from university supervisor indicating sources of 50% matching funds for scholarship
  • Letter from industrial partner inviting the intern for a period of at least 20% of the duration of the diploma
  • Memorandum of understanding regarding confidentiality and intellectual property between the industry and the university where the student is registered.

The program will offer by videoconference various short-term training workshops (one or two days) throughout the year. Accepted students/postdoctoral fellows will be required to follow. The courses are not mandatory, but strongly recommended.

Send the complete application package electronically to Justine Lacombe-Bergeron at University de Montréal (justine.lacombe.bergeron@umontreal.ca).